Thursday, December 24, 2009


I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays! May your travels be safe and well.

Monday, December 21, 2009

9 Months To GO!

I can officially say that I will be attending the University of Edinburgh next September! I got my official conditional offer this morning (they want proof that I finish my graduate certificate which I'll be done with in May) and went in and accepted it. It's really happening!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Time to start adding in "u"s and "m"s and "e"s, changing "c"s and "z"s to "s"s and removing some "l"s in order to fit in!

I am colourfully excited for this programme to instil information in my brain.

I keep trying to roll my "r"s but it's just not happening.

I believe I have all the financials situated. My next step: accommodation.
I had originally just planned to stay in a dorm but now I'm having second thoughts because I realized that really only international students live on campus since Scottish students have no guarantee. Too bad. I am now considering some type of private accommodation.

We've been officially snowed in over here on the east coast (twitterly known as the dcsnowpocalypse). We got about two feet over Friday - Saturday. It's so beautiful! I think we'll FINALLY have a white Christmas. Work was closed today and then I'm off 12/25/09 - 1/3/10.

2009 has gone by so incredibly fast! I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.