Friday, April 8, 2011

Western Highlands Tour

Hairy coos in Kilmahog

Dunstaffnage Castle

 Dunstaffnage Abbey, Castle, and surrounding waters

Kilchurn Castle on Loch Awe


Rest and be Thankful Pass

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dianna's Dash of Different Diction

This week's Dash of Different Diction is craic. This may be primarily an Irish word, as it comes from Irish Gaelic, but there are a good number of Irish over here (both my flatmates use it) so it's good to know. It is pronounced like crack and it has no reference to cocaine. There are two primary uses for it:

-"What's the craic?" What's happening? What's going on tonight? You would ask this to your friends to find out what the plans are or even what the gossip is.
-"It'll be good craic." It'll be great fun.

Here is a good definition from Urban Dictionary.
Irish word for fun/enjoyment that has been brought into the English language. (usually when mixed with alcohol and/or music). Fun doesn't really cut it though. General banter, good times had by all. Also, a person who is good fun/great company.

I hope you have some good craic tonight!