Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fruit & Veg Box #2

Today marks my second fruit and veg box! Before I list my new items, let's see what we learned over the last two weeks...
1. Do not wash beetroot before putting in the cupboard for storage. The beetroots will go moldy and you won't be able to try them. :(
2. Be prepared for all of your green bananas to turn yellow at the exact same moment and need to be eaten immediately.
3. The flavour of parsnips are very strong. The soup you make with parsnips, potatoes, and leek will taste only of them.
4. Kale does not taste good raw especially when you were under the impression that it was lettuce.

This week in my fruit box I got:
-2 clementines (there is the slight possibility these may be tangerines but I am fairly certain they're clems)
-2 grapefruits (not a fan...maybe there's something I can do with them {suggestions?} otherwise I may give them to a friend)
-9 green bananas
-3 kiwis (love!)
-3 tiny plums
-6 apples

In my veg box we have:
-1 extremely huge garlic bulb.
For an example of its hugeness, see one clove sitting next to a clove from a bulb I bought at a local grocery store.
-1 broccoli floret
-8 mushrooms (not sure the exact kind but something like button)
-6 potatoes
-1 leek
-4 carrots
-10 Jerusalem artichokes (which I had assumed were ginger since I'd never heard of the things)

Here's to another couple weeks of healthier eating!

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